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10 Aug 2006
HAECO Board Changes

Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited (0044) announced that Mr. David Turnbull has resigned as a Director and Chairman of the Board effective 9th August, 2006. The Board has expressed its gratitude to Mr. Turnbull for his valuable contribution to the Company and offered him its best wishes.

Succeeding Mr. Turnbull is Mr. Christopher Pratt who has been appointed as an Executive Director and elected as Chairman of the Board. Mr. Pratt, aged 50, is also Chairman of Swire Pacific Ltd. (0019 and 0087) and Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. (00293), and of John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Ltd.

Mr. Martin Cubbon, aged 48, has been appointed a Non-Executive Director of the HAECO Board. Mr. Cubbon is an Executive Director of Swire Pacific Ltd. and a Non-Executive Director of Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd.

Both appointments took effect on 9th August, 2006.