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Sustainability | Swire Pacific Limited

Swire Pacific's business success depends on its people, the communities where it operates and the natural environment. Read the latest Sustainability Report here to find out more.

Sustainability at Swire Pacific

Sustainability at Swire Pacific

Swire Pacific has a longstanding commitment to sustainable development. We invest in sustainable development because it is the right thing to do and because it is fundamental to our ability to create long-term value for shareholders. The Group's success in doing so is dependent on its people, the communities in which it operates and the natural environment.

“We believe that when the world in which we operate thrives, so do we.”  



Sustainable development is a strategic objective for Swire Pacific. To promote sustainability in business and management practices, Swire Pacific has devised a sustainable development strategy, SwireTHRIVE, and environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies. SwireTHRIVE aims to mitigate operational risk and build long-term resilience by driving improved standards, enhanced efficiency and increased innovation in five key areas: Climate, Waste, Water, People and Communities.

SwireTHRIVE - People
2024 target
Women on the Board and in senior leadership roles
Health and safety goal
Zero harm
SwireTHRIVE Image
SwireTHRIVE - Water
2030 target
Water withdrawal compared to 2018 frozen efficiency baseline
2050 target
Water neutrality
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SwireTHRIVE - Communities
Beneficiaries of our active programmes in 2023
HK$55 million
Distributed by Swire Trust in 2023
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SwireTHRIVE - Waste
2030 target
Waste diverted from landfill
2050 target
Zero waste to landfill
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SwireTHRIVE - Climate
2030 target
Scope 1 and 2 emissions compared with 2018 baseline
2050 target
Net zero emissions
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Governance Image


While every Swire Pacific business unit addresses its own sustainability issues, the principles governing the way in which this is done are formulated at Group level. Through its Sustainable Development Office, Swire Pacific sets policy and monitors its implementation by individual business units. The Sustainable Development Office also assists business units with planning, risk management and with the measurement of results. Policy is set in light of global sustainability trends and after consideration of the risks and opportunities for the Group as a whole.

A three-line of defence risk governance model has been established.
1. The Group Risk Management Committee (“GRMC”) is supported by four risk forums and a separate Swire Pacific Risk Management Committee, which identifies risks that have a Group dimension.
2. The Environmental, Social and Governance Risk Forum provides updates to the GRMC and the Audit Committee.
3. Group level strategic committees address key sustainability issues, such as Human Resources, Health & Safety, Data & Technology, and the Environment. A Group level Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee is also in place.

Through the Enterprise Risk Management system, Swire Pacific identifies the principal risks that need to be managed. The Group engages with its business partners and other third parties, and benchmarks its sustainability performance against its industry peers. The Group also regularly reviews its own performance and reports annually to investors and stakeholders.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policies Image

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policies

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policies
Swire Pacific has a Sustainable Development Policy that commits the Group to working on the environmental, health and safety, employment, supply chain and community issues that its operations affect, and to working with other parties to promote sustainable development in the industries in which it operates.

Swire Pacific maintains a Group level ESG policy framework that goes beyond the five pillars of SwireTHRIVE, covering topics that reflect its values, and which are important to regulators, investors and other key stakeholders.


2023 Sustainability Report
2023 Annual Report Sustainability section
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
Reporting methodology
Independent Practitioner’s Limited Assurance Report
Past reports and Swire Pacific group companies Sustainable Development reports

Swire Pacific's sustainability reporting sets out its approach to sustainability, ethics and good governance. Such approach is integral to fulfilling its commitment to an open and honest dialogue with its stakeholders. The Group believes its approach builds resilience and creates value for all its stakeholders.

The first Swire Pacific annual sustainability report was released in 2007. The latest report has been prepared as an interactive website and is available in English and Traditional Chinese. It has been prepared with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative ("GRI") Standards and the comply or explain provisions and recommended disclosures in the Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") Reporting Guide of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("HKEX").

Sustainable Development Fund Image

Sustainable Development Fund

Sustainable Development Fund
Swire Pacific's Sustainable Development Fund offers financial support to operating companies for projects which can provide long-term environmental benefits but cannot be justified by reference to its cost of capital. Up to HK$100 million is available annually to support projects that reduce the carbon, water and waste footprints of Swire Pacific's operating companies, in line with the Group's sustainability targets. Two funding streams are made available to support innovative pilot projects and the roll-out of proven high-impact solutions. Thirty two projects have been approved to date.

Sustainability Ratings and Indices

Sustainability Ratings and Indices
Swire Pacific responds to enquiries from investors and provide information to the CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), the Dow Jones Best-In-Class Index (formerly the DJSI) , FTSE4Good, MSCI and organisations which assess the economic, environmental and social performance of companies. They help the Group to identify the specific issues most relevant to the industries in which it operates.