Foster a culture that is
accessible, inclusive and safe
Embracing diversity and inclusion is essential to our long-term success. It is not only the right thing to do but it is a business imperative. By cultivating an inclusive culture where everyone is treated fairly and with respect at all levels, we can be better equipped to serve our communities, attract top talent, retain our people, and improve our financial performance.
At the end of 2022, the Group employed more than 58,000 people, a similar number to 2021. 79% of our people are based in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland. Our Beverages and Aviation divisions are our biggest employers.
Diversity and inclusion are key to cultivating a resilient business and community. The last few years have taught us the importance of community coming together amidst a difficult time. This means embracing diversity and fostering inclusion by reflecting on current practices and listening to our people. Focus groups and group-wide surveys have been conducted to provide a safe and confidential space for our people to share their thoughts. We are measuring the effectiveness of inclusive policies such as the Flexible Working Policy. We are also benchmarking our progress against market best practice to see how we can improve. At the same time, various engagement campaigns focusing on different diversity areas are helping to educate and broaden perspectives. Through these initiatives, we are fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where people are a priority.
To drive forward our diversity and inclusion agenda, we have a strategic framework translating our commitment to diversity and inclusion into action. This framework includes three goals, five focus areas, and six pillars that cover how we engage our employees, attract and manage talent, build an inclusive culture, measure success, and share our story externally.
The Swire Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee (DISC) provides guidelines about diversity and inclusion to the Group and formulates policies designed to promote a diverse workforce and an inclusive working environment for all Group employees. It is jointly chaired by the Finance Director of Swire Properties and the Staff Director of John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Limited. The Group Head of Diversity and Inclusion, who reports to the Staff Director, leads a team that supports the work of the DISC.
We have several inclusive policies in place such as the Flexible Working Policy and Parental Leave Policy. Since implementing them, we are gathering feedback from employees to understand whether the policies have been successful and learn what else we can do to create more inclusivity. We also updated and republished the Human Rights Policy, Flexible Working Policy, and DISC Terms of Reference to better reflect our commitment and D&I priorities.
One critical element in building an inclusive environment is to have diverse representation, especially in leadership roles. To drive towards gender equality, our goal is to have 30% of senior leadership roles filled by women by 2024. We have also introduced a new target of 30% women on the board by 2024. At the end of 2022, 24% of senior leadership roles were filled by women and and at the time of publishing, 28.6% of our directors were women.
Gender pay gap is the difference between the mean basic pay for men and women, expressed as a percentage of men’s average earnings. To calculate gender pay gap, the average female salary is subtracted from the average male salary, which is then divided by the average male salary.
In 2022, women in strategic leadership positions were paid 91% of the average pay of men in such positions. Women in operational management positions were paid 108% of the average pay of men in such positions. The corresponding percentages for team leaders and individuals (non-management) contributors were 101% and 66% respectively.
We pay men and women the same for doing the same jobs, but the gender pay gap indicates that we must do more to support and equip women to progress in their careers. One of the ways we do so is by emphasising diversity and inclusion in the recruitment, development, and promotion of our people.

Gender inclusion is a key focus of the Swire Group. To ensure that gender barriers and biases are eliminated, we need to…
We pledge to narrow the gender gap at all levels and to ensure that gender barriers and biases are eliminated.
Gender inclusion is a key focus of the Swire Group. To ensure that gender barriers and biases are eliminated, we need to first raise awareness and build understanding of prevalent gender issues and bias within the community. The theme for International Women’s Day 2022 was #BreakTheBias.
Across the company, operating companies celebrated this day on 8 March and explored the different types of bias that may inhibit the progress of women in the workplace. In April, we partnered with She Loves Tech, the world’s largest start-up competition for women and technology for an innovation workshop that showcased how women in technology and leadership are creating a more gender equal future. We also recognised International Men’s Day in November through various communications and events.
But raising awareness is not enough. Commitment requires further action. Swire Properties partnered with the women’s programme, Be Pink, to open a pop-up store in Shanghai for women to meet, exchange knowledge, and build community. Cathay Pacific published a Menopause & Menstruation guideline for their staff to raise awareness and provide suggested practices to accommodate when appropriate.
Our efforts and actions in furthering the gender inclusion agenda have been recognised externally by publications such as the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index. Out of 484 companies in 45 countries and regions, Swire Pacific, Swire Properties, and Cathay Pacific were among only five Hong Kong listed companies to be included in the index.

To create an age-neutral workplace, we need to first address misconceptions around age, particularly…
We pledge to create an age-neutral and multi-generational workplace.
To create an age-neutral workplace, we need to first address misconceptions around age, particularly around retirement. Swire Resources offers an ongoing programme that looks to re-employ employees after retirement age, allowing retired employees to continue to contribute skills and knowledge to the company.
To build a multi-generational workplace, we need to create opportunities for different generations to connect and learn from each other. Swire Properties launched their Next Gen Committee, NextCom, leveraging and empowering young talents to deliver change by connecting directly with the company’s Executive Committee. Hong Kong Aero Engine Services Limited (HAESL) launched a Young and Mature Masterclass programme, offering a series of workshops for all employees to learn new skills. In July, Swire Pacific organised a virtual age inclusion workshop where participants discovered and applied their sense of purpose, values, and, meaning to connect more deeply with their colleagues, regardless of age.

Building an inclusive workplace begins with understanding and respect. To celebrate…
We pledge to build a workplace where people of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds are respected and encouraged to collaborate and contribute.
Building an inclusive workplace begins with understanding and respect. To celebrate World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development in May, Swire Pacific hosted an event with Swire Properties and HAECO to talk about the challenges facing ethnic minorities in Hong Kong and outline the specific role that communities and businesses can play in addressing these challenges. We learnt that by creating ethnicity-focused networks, reviewing our ways of working, and partnering with NGOs on community programmes, we can create a more inclusive community and workplace for ethnic minorities.
An inclusive workplace also requires making accommodations and offering support to help employees of different cultural backgrounds to thrive. In Cathay Pacific, at Cathay City, a multi-faith prayer room was set up so that employees have a dedicated space to focus on their spiritual wellbeing if they wish to. To ease the transition for migrant workers in Taiwan, Swire Coca-Cola created a safety-first preparation programme which includes language classes, matched buddies, and translation apps to minimise language and communication barriers.
At the Group level, we continue to showcase our commitment to ethnic inclusion as charter signatories to the Racial Diversity & Inclusion Charter for Employers drawn up by the Equal Opportunities Commission in Hong Kong. We also partner closely with the Zubin Foundation on programmes that improve the lives of Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities, including their summer internship programme and Opportunity Bank job placement platform.

To review and assess our disability inclusion strategy and actions taken to cultivate disability inclusion…
We pledge to increase the accessibility of the workplace to create a comfortable environment for everyone.
To review and assess our disability inclusion strategy and actions taken to cultivate disability inclusion, Swire Group participated in the CareER Disability Inclusion Index (DII). By benchmarking our progress compared to other market players, we can determine the next steps in our disability inclusion journey. In addition to looking externally, HAECO launched a disability inclusion employee resource group called Ability Allies to provide a safe space for dialogue on how the company can better support employees with disabilities.
To increase disability representation, the Swire Group also joined CareER’s Inclusive Recruitment Fair 2022 to meet various candidates with disabilities to better understand their career aspirations and explore opportunities for hiring. Swire Hotels collaborated with the Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association in their UPSTAIRS programme and placed ten individuals in various departments during the month-long programme. Swire Coca-Cola hired an individual with achondroplasia in the beginning of the year. The team provided a HR buddy, organised team building activities, and incorporated adjustable footsteps into their new office design. Through these inclusive practices, the individual referred another individual with achondroplasia to join the team in Hong Kong by the end of the year.
By ensuring inclusivity in the workplace, we are increasing disability representation within the Group. For our efforts, Swire Pacific was selected as one of the Disability Matters Asia Pacific Honourees for the Workplace category in 2022 by Springboard Consulting which works with companies globally to mainstream disability in the workforce, workplace, and marketplace.

Sexual orientation
In the last D&I survey, we found that 9% of respondents identified themselves as part of the LGBT+…
We pledge to create an inclusive environment where individuals can bring their full selves to work without fear of discrimination or recrimination.
In the last D&I survey, we found that 9% of respondents identified themselves as part of the LGBT+ community. Therefore, we need to raise awareness of this sizable community by educating all our employees on the community’s challenges and needs. The Trading & Industrial Head Office designed online training about LGBT+ inclusion for all its employees in both Cantonese and Mandarin. For Pride month, the Swire Group celebrated with numerous lunch and learn sessions, as well as a movie screening and pride-themed cocktail classes to engage our employees. On Pink Friday, a multi-industry event that aims to showcase visible support for LGBT+ inclusion in the workplace, Group employees wore pink and participated in interactive booths, games, and more to learn more about important topics relating to the LGBT+ experience.
Beyond raising awareness internally, we also showcased our commitment to LGBT+ inclusion and support of the LGBT+ community externally. For Pride month, a ‘Happy Pride’ message was displayed on digital screens in all malls and offices under Swire Properties management. Special pride month deals, a drag evening, and a celebration with music, and free-flow snacks and drinks were also organised for customers. Some of the proceeds from the events were donated to Hong Kong Marriage Equality, an organisation dedicated to advancing and achieving marriage equality in Hong Kong. Cathay Pacific also designed a rainbow vapour trail to use as their official logo for the duration of Pride month. This rainbow logo was featured on various social media pages and the official website.

D&I Survey
We conducted our second D&I Survey to gather feedback from all Swire Group employees based in Hong Kong…
The Swire Group is dedicated to fostering an inclusive workplace where all employees can thrive and succeed, regardless of their age, gender, gender identity, disability, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.
We conducted our second D&I Survey to gather feedback from all Swire Group employees based in Hong Kong. It was entirely voluntary and anonymous to participate.
There was a total of 12 questions and an overall average response rate of 14% across the Group. Overall, our average score for inclusion increased by 7% compared to last year.
Key findings8:
- 77% of respondents agreed the company values and respects a variety of ideas, perspectives, and working styles.
- 75% of respondents agreed the company has created an environment where people of diverse backgrounds can succeed.
- 76% of respondents agreed the senior leadership publicly supports and promotes diversity initiatives.
- 68% of respondents agreed policies and procedures are fairly enforced throughout the company.
- 81% of respondents agreed the company has promoted inclusion through its internal communications and/or events.
- 85% of respondents agreed diversity & inclusion strategy is important to the long-term health of the company.
The demographic of respondents are as follows:
- Around 81% of respondents self-identified as Chinese while 4% self-identified as White, about 7% as other Asian, and 2% as Others. Approximately 6% preferred not to answer.
- Around 9% identified as LGBT+.
- 2% of respondents self-identified as having a disability.
The information gathered will be used as a reference for further action planning as we look to cultivate an even more inclusive workplace.
8Figures presented are aggregated averages. Responses varied across the group.
As we have reached the mid-point in our five-year D&I Strategic Framework, we will use the coming year to reflect on our D&I journey so far and explore ways to move from awareness and education to sustainable behavioural change. This will involve more tailored training and support to segmented D&I stakeholder groups plus assessing our employee experience to build more inclusive practices.
We never compromise on safety. In our operations, our first priority is to safeguard the health and safety of our employees, contractors, suppliers and customers, the visitors to our business premises, and the communities in which we operate.
We take our health and safety responsibilities very seriously. We apply robust risk management controls, create a strong safety culture, and encourage transparent and timely reporting of incidents so that we can investigate their root causes and implement preventative measures. Our ultimate goal is zero harm.
The group, and each of its subsidiaries, has an occupational health and safety policy that is monitored by our internal audit department. We focus on the following key areas:
Achieving zero harm depends on a strong safety culture in which employees are responsible for the safety of others and themselves. We aim to identify and manage potential hazards by conducting regular safety audits and reporting all incidents, including those considered to be minor so that we can share and learn from them. We also encourage reporting of near misses so that potential hazards can be identified and mitigated.
Our first line health and safety committee is responsible for developing group health and safety policies and guidelines, monitoring divisional performance, promoting education and training, sharing lessons learned, best practices, and developing internal health and safety capabilities.
A second line risk forum focussed on human resources, health, and safety operates under the Group’s risk governance structure. It advises the GRMC on related emerging risks which may affect the Group, helps to analyse health and safety-related risk events, develops best practices for managing risks, and provides specialist oversight and support to our divisions.
Every division submits a quarterly health and safety report and sets annual safety targets. With a view to continuous improvement in safety performance, every division also sets safety targets for a 10 year period and these targets are updated annually. At every Group Risk Management Committee (GRMC) and Board meeting, there is an update on health and safety performance. A separate China health and safety working group deals with health and safety in the Chinese Mainland, where regulations frequently change and vary between provinces.
Safety leadership is key to a strong safety culture. Adequate knowledge and skills are required to manage health and safety effectively. Senior management receive industry specific and general health and safety training in accordance with our senior management health and safety policy.
We use two metrics to evaluate safety performance:
- Lost time injury rates (LTIR): the number of injuries per 100 full-time equivalent employees
- Lost day rates (LDR): the number of workdays lost to injuries per 100 full-time equivalent employees
Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR)
(Number of injuries per
100 full-time equivalent employees)
Lost Time Injury Rate
(Number of injuries per 100
full-time equivalent
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | |
Lost time injury rate (LTIR) | 0.82 | 0.82 | 0.64 | 0.62 | 0.42 |
In 2022, our LTIR decreased by 32% to 0.42 from 0.62 in 2021. Significant improvements were observed at Swire Properties, Swire Coca-Cola, HAECO, and Trading & Industrial division. Total hours worked in the Group decreased by 3.5% in 2022.
Lost Day Rate (LDR)
(Number of days lost per 100
full-time employees)
Lost Day Rate
(Number of days lost per 100 full-time
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | |
Lost day rate (LDR) | 36.34 | 34.75 | 28.48 | 31.48 | 18.90 |
In 2022, our LDR decreased by 40% to 18.9. Significant improvements were observed at Swire Hotels, Swire Coca-Cola, HAECO, and Trading & Industrial division.
There were no fatalities among our employees in 2022.
We expect our contractors to observe high safety standards and centrally track contractor safety data to facilitate continual improvement. Regrettably, there was one work-related fatal traffic accident of a contracted worker in Swire Coca-Cola’s Chinese Mainland operations. Following thorough investigations Swire Coca-Cola has reviewed its defensive driving training programme to ensure the supplier’s readiness to cope with any unforeseen situation during the delivery operations.
Our Zero Harm commitment requires everyone, regardless of seniority or job responsibilities, to go beyond compliance, proactively eliminate potential hazards, and create a safe workplace. Health and safety reviews are conducted at our operating companies and results reported to the Audit Committee. Division heads have pay-linked safety performance objectives.
Swire Properties, Swire Coca-Cola, HAECO, Swire Waste Management, and Taikoo Sugar have safety management systems that are certified to the stringent ISO 45001:2018 standard.
Promoting safe behaviour in the workplace is a key element in safety management which also helps build and maintain a positive safety culture within the organisation. Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) is a scientific approach aimed at positively reinforcing a safe work environment through the identification of at-risk behaviours. HAECO implemented a Behaviour Based Safety Observation (BBSO) project to focus on how employees work. An analysis was then conducted on why certain methods were adopted and intervention strategies were developed to eliminate any unsafe behaviours.
Technology can help organizations reduce the risk of workplace accidents and improve workplace safety. Safety monitoring, reporting, and training are some of the ways technology can help in this respect.

Swire Coca-Cola – Using AI to improve safety performance
In 2022, Swire Coca-Cola introduced an artificial intelligence machine learning algorithm which integrates with the CCTV system to detect at-risk behaviours in operational areas. This has led to a reduction in incidents and work injuries.
The system uses machine learning to automatically identify risks in real time – for example, raising alerts when employees are not wearing a safety vest, are speeding or infringing on safety zones. Results are maintained in an easily accessible online dashboard to enable frequent compliance monitoring and continual performance improvement.
Swire Properties has launched a mobile phone application for near-miss and hazard reporting in order to facilitate and encourage proactive hazard identification by all employees. In the Chinese Mainland, an AI smart site safety monitoring system was set up at a construction site at Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu to monitor the workers’ safety-related behaviour – specifically smoking and the wearing of safety helmets. The system is equipped with a local speaker which broadcasts warnings to workers and alerts are automatically sent to the management team.
Swire Properties have enhanced relevant training programmes with Virtual Reality (VR), giving employees the chance to enter virtual work environments to simulate how to handle the equipment properly, and ultimately work safely.
We delivered occupational health and safety training covering a range of topics including working in a confined space, slip, trip, and fall prevention, fire prevention, working at height, heatstroke awareness, manual handling, road safety, and emergency response.
Swire Coca-Cola continued to improve their safety incident management process through the introduction of enhanced group investigation guidelines in order to standardise the process across all its markets. They also reached out to other multinational companies to explore opportunities for health and safety best practice sharing.
HAECO reviewed and enhanced their incident investigation methodology and established regional investigation training teams to roll out an enhanced investigation process across its group companies. Leading safety indicators such as near miss and hazard reporting are also being developed to strengthen safety awareness in the workplace and identify potential risks.
Swire Properties extended its scope for conducting full incident investigations to include incidents which could have had severe outcomes with the purpose of preventing similar incidents from occurring. In order to further enhance safety awareness and communication during project handovers, where multiple parties are on site, joint safety inspections by the management office, project team, and H&S department are now conducted to identify and mitigate hazards upon project completion. Safety briefings are conducted for tenant contractors and daily safety walks of tenant facilities are carried out during the fit-out phase of new buildings to ensure high standards of safety practices are maintained.

Swire Properties – Safety training using VR technology
In 2022, Swire Properties introduced safety training programmes using VR technology to deliver safety awareness to frontline staff. This included a range of simulation scenarios including working at height, manual handing and the safe use of suspended work platforms. Swire Properties aim to use this new technology to enhance the employee H&S learning experience and raise their safety awareness.
We have a crisis reporting policy and crisis management guidelines, which help to build business resilience through crisis preparedness, business continuity, and disaster recovery planning. Reporting and information exchanges within the Group have improved, facilitating a faster response and recovery. During the pandemic, Swire Pacific activated its crisis management process and monitored the situation through its head office crisis management team.
Our businesses regularly updated COVID-19 guidelines and procedures intended to protect the health and safety of our people, our customers, and those with whom we do business. This included work from home arrangements, provision of personal protective equipment such as face masks and rapid antigen tests, more frequent cleaning and disinfecting of facilities, special UV light and nano-coatings on surfaces, and frequent communication of procedures and updates to staff and tenants. Vaccine leave was introduced as part of a Vaccine Policy, to incentivise our people to get vaccinated.
We care about the mental and physical health and wellbeing of our people. We have 24-hour professional personal counselling and consultation (PPCC) hotlines to help employees deal with stress, relationships, parenting, trauma or grief, and preparation for retirement. We use experienced counsellors, social workers, and clinical psychologists to provide confidential professional advice and guidance. We promote work-life balance and encourage employees to lead active lifestyles by participating in our staff association’s physical wellbeing programmes.
Many of our businesses ran campaigns to promote employee wellbeing and to help our people feel more connected to the company and to each other. Swire Properties organised workshops on mental health awareness which introduced practical tips for enhancing mental wellbeing and dealing with common mental health challenges. Swire Resources launched a staff stress relief programme and organized a yoga day and an indoor adventure game day for employees in order to raise their awareness of wellbeing.
We will build on the health and wellbeing initiatives which have been implemented in response to COVID-19, in particular those which enhance the mental health of our employees. We will continue to promote across the Group wider use of a structured approach to post incident investigation and conduct-related in-depth analysis of the root causes of incidents. We will maintain our focus on contractor safety performance which we see as integral to the overall safety of our businesses. Where appropriate we will look for more opportunities to adopt technology which helps us improve our overall health and safety performance. We will continue to monitor and assess emerging health and safety risks through the Human Resources and Health and Safety risk forum.