Sustainable Development Report 2020
SwireTHRIVE – People

Foster a culture that is accessible,
inclusive and safe

Total employees

>86,000  employees

As at 31st Dec 2020
↓8% from 2019

Employees by division 2020

2024 target


women in
senior management

Health and safety goal

Zero harm

Diversity and inclusion are key to our long-term success. By creating an inclusive culture and eradicating discrimination, we are not only doing the right thing, we will also attract and retain top talent. Our workplaces and facilities must be safe. By promoting the physical and mental wellbeing of our staff, we can improve their productivity and enrich their quality of life.

At the end of 2020, the Group employed more than 86,000 people, an 8% decrease from 2019. Almost 80% of our staff are based in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. Our Aviation and Beverages divisions are our biggest employers.

Employees by region

Remark: Includes all employment types

Diversity and inclusion

Innovation and creativity happen when people with diverse perspectives work together. We strive to build a high performing workforce that reflects the diversity of the communities in which we operate. To do this, we must foster an inclusive culture where everyone is treated with respect and given fair opportunities to succeed, regardless of their age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, relationship, family status, disability, race, ethnicity, nationality or beliefs.

We have three goals:

  1. Build a diverse and inclusive workplace environment
  2. Be recognised and ranked as a diversity and inclusion leader in the areas where we operate
  3. Use our influence to promote diversity and inclusion in our supply chains

We focus on five areas of diversity:



We pledge to create an age-neutral and multi-generational workplace.



We pledge to narrow the gender gap at all levels and to ensure that gender barriers and biases are eliminated.



We pledge to increase the accessibility of the workplace to create a comfortable environment for everyone.

Sexual orientation

Sexual orientation

We pledge to create an inclusive environment where individuals are able to bring their full selves to work without fear of discrimination or recrimination.



We pledge to build a workplace where people of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds are respected and encouraged to collaborate and contribute.

The Swire Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee (DISC) formulates policies and guidelines for the Group, taking account of circumstances in the places where we operate. It is jointly chaired by the Finance Director and the Staff Director.

The Group Head of Diversity and Inclusion, who reports to the Staff Director, leads a team that supports the work of the DISC.

We have the following Group policies:

Group Diversity and Inclusion Policy

We believe in equal opportunities for all our employees and recognise that our businesses benefit from the diversity of our people.

Board Diversity Policy

Diversity strengthens decision-making and makes us more agile and resilient. Our board of directors is required to have a balance of skills, experience and a range of perspectives appropriate to our businesses. At the end of 2020, 18% of our directors were women.

Respect in the Workplace Policy

We aim to ensure that all our people are treated, and treat others, with dignity and respect. Our respect in the workplace policy contains our commitment to providing a workplace free from harassment and bullying, and includes guidelines on how staff can report concerns without fear of retaliation. We train staff to understand their duties under Hong Kong anti-discrimination legislation.

Flexible Working Policy

It is our policy to encourage flexible working where it is practical and appropriate to do so. We believe flexible working helps create a more inclusive environment by allowing our people to balance work and other priorities better.

Chart data Tabular data

Employee by gender and employee category

Employee by gender and employee category

Male Female
Strategic leader 73 27
Operational leader 79 21
Team leader 67 33
Individual contributor 64 36

Remark: Includes permanent employees only

Male 65
Female 35

Remark: Includes all employment types

Our goal is for 30% of senior management roles to be filled by women by 2024. At the end of 2020, 27% of senior management roles were filled by women and 18% of our directors were women. There is more to be done.

Chart data Tabular data

Employee breakdown by gender by operating company

Remark: Includes all employment types

Employee breakdown by gender by operating company

Swire Properties Cathay Pacific Group HAECO
Marine Services Trading & Industrial Swire Pacific
(Head office)
Male (%) 60 50 82 73 92 40 34
Female (%) 40 50 18 27 8 60 66

We operate in some business sectors where women are underrepresented. Swire Coca-Cola has set targets of 50% female representation in management roles and 30% female representation in senior management roles by 2030.

Gender pay gap is the difference between the mean basic pay for men and women, expressed as a percentage of the former. This is not the same as equal pay, which is when men and women are paid the same for the same work. We review our gender pay gap annually.

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Gender pay gap by employee category (basic salary)

Gender pay gap by employee category (basic salary)

Strategic leader -19%
Operational leader -30%
Team leader -17%
Individual contributor -13%

In 2020, women in strategic leadership positions were paid 81% of the average pay of men in such positions. Women in operational management positions were paid 70% of the average pay of men in such positions. The corresponding percentages for team leaders and individual (non-management) contributors were 83% and 87% respectively.

We pay men and women the same for doing the same jobs, but the gender pay gap indicates that we need to do more to enable women to progress. We emphasise diversity and inclusion in the recruitment, management and promotion of our people. It is encouraging that our gender pay gap narrowed in 2020 for junior employees (team leaders and individual contributors).

Swire Pacific – Embracing Inclusion series

From September to December 2020, we organised events on the theme of embracing inclusion. Head office and operating company staff participated…

From September to December 2020, we organised events on the theme of embracing inclusion. Head office and operating company staff participated. Empowering women through technology, LGBT+ awareness, gender inclusivity and awareness and understanding of disabilities were covered. Speed mentoring was done for managers, human resources practitioners and diversity inclusion advocates as part of the 2020 Swire Pacific Sustainable Development Forum. Participants were mentored on diversity and inclusion in the workplace and the opportunities arising from an inclusive culture. Experts from CareER, Community Business, The Women’s Foundation, Wise at Work and Zubin Foundation focussed on age, gender, disability, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

We organised a panel discussion of the future of work through a gender lens, and activities to celebrate Pink Friday and the International Day of Persons with Disability.

We support She Loves Tech, the world’s largest start-up competition for women and technology, aimed at promoting female founders of early-stage tech businesses by supporting them through mentoring, education, networking and fundraising advice.

For more information, please see:

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Gender – Celebrating International Women’s Day at Swire

Swire Group and Swire Properties sponsored a virtual International Women’s Day (IWD) lunch, to celebrate the achievements of women and girls and…

Swire Group and Swire Properties sponsored a virtual International Women’s Day (IWD) lunch, to celebrate the achievements of women and girls and raise funds for The Women’s Foundation (TWF). TWF is a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls in Hong Kong. With over 1,000 people signed up, it was TWF’s largest ever gathering in support of women and girls.

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Gender – Swire Group Male Allies

In 2020, 17 of our people joined TWF’s Male Allies programme. Male Allies use their collective influence and personal engagement to advance gender…

In 2020, 17 of our people joined TWF’s Male Allies programme. Male Allies use their collective influence and personal engagement to advance gender equality, within Swire and the Hong Kong business community.

Trading & Industrial Division companies organised staff activities on International Men’s Day, which celebrates positive male role models, raises awareness of men’s wellbeing and seeks to improve gender relations by promoting gender equality.

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Disability – Innovation through diversity at Swire Properties

Swire Properties engaged Inclusive Impact to do design thinking workshops for its innovation accelerator programme. Inclusive Impact provides…

Swire Properties engaged Inclusive Impact to do design thinking workshops for its innovation accelerator programme. Inclusive Impact provides dignified paid work for people with disabilities, including former para-athletes. It encourages people in business to think innovatively and to empathise with and to understand the challenges facing people with disabilities. Over 100 employees participated in the workshops to date.

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Ethnicity – Mentoring to success

With the Zubin Foundation, Swire Trust mentored students and recent graduates from marginalised ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. The intention is to…

With the Zubin Foundation, Swire Trust mentored students and recent graduates from marginalised ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. The intention is to increase the employability of young job seekers through online workshops led by corporate volunteers. More than 30 Swire management trainees participated.

For details see:

Mentors from Cathay Pacific Services Limited introduced their job duties, challenges at work and future career path to ethnic minority youth through the online CHEER platform.

Volunteers from HAECO Hong Kong provided vocational training to ethnic minority youth.

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Age – Rehiring experienced staff

We value the knowledge that experienced staff have accumulated over their careers. Qinyuan Bakery has a programme to rehire experienced staff…

We value the knowledge that experienced staff have accumulated over their careers. Qinyuan Bakery has a programme to rehire experienced staff. In 2020, it rehired 124 retired staff in Chongqing, Chengdu and Guizhou.

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Sexual orientation – Allyship and awareness building

Cathay Pacific’s Fly with Pride Network aimed to build knowledge of and engagement with LGBT+ attitudes. It did the following things…

Cathay Pacific’s Fly with Pride Network aimed to build knowledge of and engagement with LGBT+ attitudes. It did the following things:

  • Surveyed LGBT+ attitudes in the workplace and the need for communication and engagement
  • Engaged over 800 staff in an awareness and education campaign and a LGBT+ quiz
  • Contributed to research on LGBT+ inclusion in Hong Kong’s hospitality and tourism industries, led by students at Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The Swire Group and Cathay Pacific, Swire Coca-Cola, Swire Hotels, Swire Motors, Swire Properties and Swire Resources and Taikoo Sugar participated in Equal Love Hong Kong in order to promote LGBT+ inclusion and to support the legal recognition and equal treatment of same-sex relationships in Hong Kong.

Find out more:

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We will review the implementation of our parental leave policy and develop other policies as needed. We will continue to collect information in order to inform our decisions about people. We will continue to work towards being recognised as a leader in diversity and inclusion and to promote inclusion in the communities in which we operate.

Health and safety

We never compromise on safety. In our operations, our first priority is to safeguard the health and safety of our employees, contractors, suppliers and customers, the visitors to our business premises and the communities in which we operate. Many of our operations involve high-risk activities. We apply robust risk management controls, create a strong safety culture and encourage transparent and timely reporting of incidents, so that we can investigate their root causes and implement preventative measures. Our ultimate goal is zero harm.

The group, and each of its operating companies, has an occupational health and safety policy that is monitored by our internal audit department. We do the following:

Achievement of zero harm depends on a strong safety culture where employees are responsible for the safety of others and themselves. We aim to identify and manage potential hazards by conducting regular safety audits and reporting all incidents, including those considered to be minor. We also encourage reporting of near misses.

Our Health and Safety Committee is responsible for developing group health and safety policies and guidelines, monitoring divisional performance, promoting education and training, sharing best practices and developing internal health and safety capabilities.

Every division makes a quarterly health and safety report. At every GRMC and Board meeting, there is an update about health and safety performance. A separate China health and safety working group deals with health and safety in the Chinese mainland, where regulations frequently change and vary between provinces.

Safety leadership is key to a strong safety culture. Adequate knowledge and skills are required to manage health and safety effectively. Senior management receive industry specific and general health and safety training in accordance with our senior management Health and Safety Policy.

As part of our approach to improve staff health and wellbeing, we are increasing the focus on the overall health (physical and mental) of our employees. We intend to do more to raise awareness and to promote the wellbeing of our employees.

We use two metrics to evaluate safety performance:

  • Lost Time Injury Rates (LTIR): the number of injuries per 100 full-time equivalent employees
  • Lost Day Rates (LDR): the number of work days lost to injuries per 100 full-time equivalent employees

Our ultimate goal is zero harm. Each division sets annual LTIR and LDR targets, with a view to continuous improvement in safety performance.

Chart data Tabular data

Lost Time Injury Rate
(Number of injuries per 100 full-time equivalent employees)

Lost Time Injury Rate
(Number of injuries per 100 full-time equivalent employees)

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Lost time injury rate (LTIR) 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 0.8
Chart data Tabular data

Lost Day Rate
(Number of days lost per 100 full-time employees)

Lost Day Rate
(Number of days lost per 100 full-time employees)

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Lost day rate (LDR) 46.8 59.4 52.1 64.6 52.4

In 2020, our LTIR decreased by 59% to 0.83 from 2.01 in 2019. This principally reflects reduced activity due to COVID-19, in particular in our aviation businesses. Hours worked in the group decreased by 20.8% in 2020.

In 2020, our LDR decreased by 18.9% from 64.59 in 2019. With rehabilitation companies, we aim to improve injury management and to assist employees to return to work after recovering from injuries.

Regrettably, there was one fatality among our employees in 2020. The incident occurred in Oregon, USA when a Swire Coca-Cola USA employee was fatally injured in a warehouse.

During 2020, we did the following:

Management systems

  • Swire Properties and Swire Coca-Cola migrated their safety management system from OHSAS 18001 to the more stringent ISO 45001 standard in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. HAECO Hong Kong obtained ISO 45001 in November
  • Swire Resources engaged an expert to advise on safety management in its warehouses

Safety awareness and training

  • Senior executives completed a safety leadership course accredited by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)
  • Swire Properties extended its compulsory e-learning health and safety programme to frontline and office staff. All senior management and line managers have completed the programme
  • Hong Kong Airport Services produced a video about safety when handling cabin cargo loads
  • HAECO Hong Kong’s safety ambassadors advocate safety and act as change agents to lead culture change
  • Swire Coca-Cola trialled telematic devices on its delivery trucks and forklifts in Hong Kong and the US and did defensive driving training and VR driver coaching for all newly hired drivers

Awards and recognition

  • Cathay Pacific Services Limited was awarded the HKIA Safety Excellence Award – Gold Award for outstanding safety achievement at the 2019/20 Airport Safety Recognition Scheme organised by the Hong Kong Airport Authority. Cathay Pacific Catering Services and HK Express were also recognised under the scheme
  • Swire Pacific Offshore was awarded a Letter of Commendation in the MPA International Safety@Sea Awards 2020 for its hand and hand tool safety campaign. The campaign reduced staff hand and finger injuries by 25%

We have a crisis reporting policy and crisis management guidelines, both approved by the GRMC. Our objective is to protect our businesses by limiting the impact of unpredictable events on our people, our assets, our reputation and the environment. The policy and the guidelines help to build business resilience through crisis preparedness, business continuity and disaster recovery planning. Reporting and information exchanges within the Group have improved, facilitating a faster response and recovery.

Divisions have their own crisis management plans. In 2020, in response to COVID-19, Swire Pacific activated its crisis management process and monitored the situation through its head office crisis management team. Regular updates were provided to staff.

Our businesses developed COVID-19 guidelines and procedures intended to protect the health and safety of our people, our customers and those with whom we do business. This is what we did.

  • Facilitated social distancing by splitting teams, working from home and restricting visitors’ access to our premises
  • Provided masks and sanitisers to frontline staff
  • Cleaned and sterilised more. Swire Properties used UV light and nano-coatings to disinfect surfaces, and trialled cleaning robots
  • Cathay Pacific minimised person to person contact during check-in and boarding and reviewed the maintenance of cabin air quality
  • Swire Coca-Cola developed a health screening and travel history tracking app in the Chinese mainland
  • Swire Pacific Offshore improved communication with and provided mental health support to staff at sea
  • Provided online safety training and inspections

Swire Properties – COVID-19 cleaning and protection measures

Swire Properties used:

  • Cleaning robots at HKRI Taikoo Hui, ONE INDIGO and Pacific Place
  • Long lasting antimicrobial gel on doors, escalator handrails and lift buttons at its properties in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland
  • Temperature scanners and infrared monitors

Vogue Laundry – Infection control handling training

Vogue Laundry deals with linen from our airlines and hotels. It trained its frontline staff in how to handle items suspected to be infectious and how to put on and take off personal protective equipment. Vogue Laundry handled around six thousand seat covers used on Cathay Pacific charter flights which assisted passengers from the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Tokyo and from Wuhan. It handled linen used by hotel guests under quarantine.

We care about the mental and physical health and wellbeing of our people. We have a 24-hour Professional Personal Counselling and Consultation (PPCC) hotline to help employees deal with stress, relationships, parenting, trauma or grief, and preparation for retirement. Employees approaching retirement are invited to pre-retirement workshops. We use experienced counsellors, social workers and clinical psychologists. Information is kept confidential. We promote work-life balance and encourage employees to lead active lifestyles by participating in our staff association’s physical wellbeing programmes.

At our Sustainable Development Forum in November 2020, a doctor and a clinical psychologist spoke about mental health management. The virtual session was attended by 81 representatives from Group companies.

Swire Group – Wellbeing initiatives for staff

Many of our businesses ran wellness campaigns to promote mental health. Swire Properties ran exercise sessions and workshops. The Upper House rewarded employees for walking 10,000 steps per day and going vegetarian for three meals.

Cathay Pacific provided information on its intranet about COVID-19, travel restrictions, work arrangements and safety and hygiene. Stress management workshops were available for employees. Information was provided about setting up workstations at home.

Swire Resources introduced a series of working out at home and mental health management videos.

We will build on the health-related initiatives which have been implemented in response to COVID-19. We will consider providing additional guidance on working safely from home. We will adopt a structured approach to post incident investigation more widely across the group and conduct related in-depth analysis of the root causes of incidents. We will increase the collection of data on contractor safety performance. We will promote initiatives which enhance the physical and mental health of our employees and integrate these with existing safety programmes.
