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We support transparency and provide information and data in this report and on our website. Information about how we set our reporting boundaries and our data calculation methodology is in our reporting methodology.

The table below presents a quantitative overview of our 2023 sustainable development performance. The data in these tables identified with the symbol [R] has been independently reported on by Deloitte.

Download full performance data (587KB PDF)

Performance Indicators
Average Tenure of Employee
Average Employee Training Hours
Salary Data
Gender pay gap by employee category (Basic Salary)
Gender pay gap by employee category (Remuneration)


  1. 2022 data has been adjusted to reflect actual situation.
  2. Totals may not be the exact sum of numbers shown here due to rounding.
  3. The disposal of 100% equity interests in the franchise business in the USA (doing business as Swire Coca-Cola, USA (“SCCUS”) was completed on 7th September 2023. Environmental and Health & Safety data relating to SCCUS represents data of up to 7 September 2023.
  4. For 2023, Swire Pacific extended its disclosure on Scope 3 emissions to cover all subsidiaries in four divisions (Property, Beverages, Aviation and Trading & Industrial). We continue to account for a proportion of the Cathay Pacific Group and Hong Kong Aero Engine Services Limited total Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions equivalent to our equity share in those companies. The reported figures account for all categories of Swire Pacific’s total Scope 3 GHG emissions for the year under review.
  5. We account for 45% of Cathay Pacific Group’s total GHG emissions under the Group’s scope 3 emissions, which is the same as our percentage ordinary shareholding interest in Cathay Pacific.
  6. For Cathay Pacific group’s aviation turbine fuel associated emissions, Global Warming Potential of CO2 is 1. This assumes that all other GHGs are negligible, as their impacts are still uncertain.
  7. Scope 3 data refers to the gross emissions.
  8. For 2023, the data for Cabin Solutions covers the period from January to September only, as this entity was sold in October 2023.
  9. Renewable energy generated onsite is included due to the expectation of growing renewable energy consumption.
  10. We account for 50% of Hong Kong Aero Engine Services Limited (“HAESL”)’s total GHG emissions under the Group’s Scope 3 emissions as HAESL is a joint venture company between Rolls-Royce and HAECO group.
  11. In 2023, we expanded our disclosure to include total scope 3 GHG emissions of HAECO group.
  12. For 2022, Scope 3 emissions for Trading & Industrial only included Scope 3 emissions from Taikoo Motors as it accounts for a major portion of the Group’s Scope 3 GHG emissions.
  13. For 2022, the Environmental and Health & Safety data for Swire Pacific Offshore companies covers the period from January to 22 April 2022, it was divested since 22 April 2022.
  14. Total water withdrawal refers to the sum of water drawn from municipal water and groundwater. Virtually all water withdrawn by the Swire Pacific Group is from municipal water supplies provided by local water supply authorities.
  15. We used the World Resource Institute (WRI) Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas tool to map our water withdrawal by water stress levels.
  16. According to GRI 303-5, water consumption is defined as volume of water that is drawn into the boundaries of the organisation and not discharged back to the water environment or a third-party. Swire Coca-Cola is our largest consumer of water (>99%). It has provided its total water consumption.
  17. Staff data only relates to permanent staff (permanent full time staff, permanent part time staff and fixed contract employees in the Chinese mainland).
  18. In 2022, we updated our gender pay gap calculation method to produce a weighted average. The calculation is ((total pay for females / total number of females) – (total pay for males / total number of males)) / (total pay for males / total number of males).
  19. 2022 data has been restated to reflect actual situation.
  20. Difference between 2023 and 2022 was mainly attributed to re-categorisation of employees at this level at Swire Hotels.
  21. References in this document to Hong Kong are to Hong Kong SAR, to Macau are to Macao SAR and to Taiwan are to the Taiwan region.
  1. Denotes sustainability data that has been reported on by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. Please refer to the independent limited assurance report for further details.